Electron microscopic motifs of biological structures. In Photoshop lavishly colored. Large-format art calendar printed in high quality: special fluorescent colours, UV clearcoat finish. Manual wire-o-ring binding.
The image shows a freeze fracture through human tissue. There are three blood vessels (capillaries), the lowest one with four erythrocytes in the lumen. The fracture through the wall of the vessels (endothelium) shows some cell nuclei (red-violet). Capillaries enable the exchange of water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and many other nutrients and waste substances between the blood and the tissues.
The mosquito Anopheles gambiae is widespread in Yemen, Saudi Arabia and the drier areas of Africa. It is considered to be one of the most efficient malaria carriers worldwide. The image shows the tip of the proboscis. Orange colored is the cannula that penetrates into the skin. It is enveloped in the mandibles, above them are located the pairy palps.
The image shows the leaf surface of a spurge. On each knob one can see wax crystals separated from the plant. The wax crystals in combination with the warty structure repel dirt and water. Some euphorbia is well known, e.g. poinsettia at Christmas.
The fat cells (adipocytes) are among the largest cells in the human body. Almost the entire volume of each fat cell consists of a single lipid (fat or oil) droplet. Fats serve as rapidly mobilisable energy reserves.
In this new cancer therapy immune cells are taken from the patient. The cells are genetically modified in the laboratory in such a way that they are able to identify cancer cells. After multiplication of these CAR-expressing T-cells in vitro, they are transfused back into the patient to detect the cancer cells carrying the antigen. A breast cancer cell (beige) is grown in culture. Two chimeric antigen receptor cells (CAR-cells, red) got stuck on the cancer cell and start destroying it.
The image shows a view of the head base of a springtail (Bilobella). In the middle top the tweezers-like mouth can be seen. These soil-dwelling, blind insects feed on bacteria as well as decaying plant and animal substances. Springtails have an abdominal, tail-like appendage, the furcula that is folded beneath the body to be used for jumping when the animal is threatened.
The stinging nettle has stinging hairs, which probably serve to defend the enemy. The tips of the hairs come off when touched, transforming the hair into a needle that can inject several chemicals e. g. formic acid into skin, which causes burning and itching.
The image shows the stamens (yellow) of an acacia blossom with an emerging pollen grain (orange). Acacias are pollinated by insects. They belong to the mimosa genus and are found in the tropics and subtropics.
In a broken grain of maize the starch granules and the cell walls surrounding them are clearly visible. Maize has become a staple food in many parts of the world. It is native to Mexico. Starch, a polysaccharide, is an important energy store of plants and the most important carbohydrate of the human diet.
Bifidobacteria change the pH-value of the environment through its metabolism and have a regulatory effect on the intestinal flora (sugar degradation to lactic acid). Therefore, Bifidobacterium breve is often used in probiotic food supplements. Other Bifidobacteria are part of the normal bacterial community of the gastrointestinal tract, appendix and vagina (B. bifidum, B. adolescentis, B. longum and B. infantis).
The image shows a bursting fruit body of a slime mold with spores emerging. Slime molds are primitive organisms consisting of one cell with millions of nuclei. They can be found in and on the forest ground. Slime molds feed on microorganisms that live in any type of dead plant material.
This leg of a mite was found in a soil sample from the Colombian jungle. In addition to two claws, the foot also consists of a brush, which allows adhesion even on smooth surfaces (gecko effect, Van der Waals source).