Six MEDICINE-related art prints, mounted on 3mm Firstbond plate (Aluminium composite) with a comfortable aluminium frame for suspension on the back. }
The kidney is the body's filter organ. The picture shows the finest loops of a kidney corpuscle (Malpighi body) from the kidney cortex. In these vessels, the urinary substances (waste products of metabolism) are separated from the blood. The regulation of the body's water and electrolyte balance and the production of renal hormones (prostaglandin, renin, erythropoietin, vitamin D3, kinins) takes place in the kidneys.
Lung (pulmo): organ of water respiration (oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide release) and regulation of water and heat balance. In the alveoli as the smallest unit, the gas exchange takes place. Erythrocytes absorb oxygen and emit carbon dioxide. (erythrocytes have escaped due to the preparation and are located in the lung vesicles).
Das Bild zeigt eine teilweise aufgefaserte Muskelzelle mit den dicht gepackten Myofibrillen. Die Skelettmuskulatur als Bestandteil des Bewegungsapparates der Säugetiere ist, bedingt durch die Mikrostruktur der Myofibrillen, quergestreift. Diese Querstreifung ist hier als Wellenform zu sehen, sie lässt sich lichtmikroskopisch durch Färbung oder im polarisierten ß sichtbar machen. Die Myofibrillen kontrahieren bei nervalen Reizen.
Das Bild zeigt die wichtigsten Blutzellen. Die Erythrozyten (Rote Blutkörperchen) sorgen für den Sauerstoff-Transport im Körper. Die Thrombozyten (Blutplättchen, grau) werden wie die Erythrozyten im Knochenmark gebildet und steuern durch Abgabe ihrer "Plättchenfaktoren" die Blutgerinnung. Weiße Blutkörperchen (Leukozyten, braun und gelb) sind im Körper für die Immunabwehr verantwortlich. Auf dem Bild haben einige weiße Blutzellen (Monozyten) Pseudopodien ausgebildet, andere (Granulozyten, gelblich gefärbt) haben Ihre kugelige Form erhalten.
Das Bild zeigt eine Gruppe von Leberzellen, die in einer Kultur gewachsen sind. An solchen Zellen können Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen von Medikamenten getestet werden. Diese Tests ersetzen schon viele Tierversuche. Die Leber erfüllt im Körper sehr wichtige Funktionen wie z. B. den Fettsäurenabbau, die Synthese von Cholesterin und die Entgiftung.
This picture displays two adenocarcinoma cells during their nearly completed cell division. In the first step the chromosomes are duplicated (replicated). The cell grows and the chromosome pairs are drawn apart. Only now the cell starts its division by constriction and two nuclear membranes are formed around them. Adenocarcinomas can result from mucous cells of the mucosa.
The term lamination stands for the bonding of foils with a firm base, one could also call it' mounting'. For the products in the' AluVerbund' category, a high-quality art print - a monthly sheet from the LifeSciences calendar - is mounted on a 3mm thick aluminium composite trunking material.
The art print is applied on the reverse side of a double-sided adhesive film. After the protective film has been pulled down, the art print is rolled' cold' onto the aluminium composite plate.
An extra stability of the plan is achieved by mounting the solid suspension profile on the bottom side of the picture facing the wall.
The art prints used here are the remainder of our LifeSciences Calendar (Hidden Worlds) published in the years 2002 to 2017. The image motif was created by the renowned, internationally acclaimed science photographers Oliver Meckes and Nicole Ottawa (eye of science) on the company's own screen, Oliver Meckes and Nicole Ottawa (eye of science).
We have carefully separated out the particularly high-quality printed monthly newspapers and prepared them for use by lamination. The surface of the art print is coated with special UV spot varnish. This gives the pictures a special brilliance. Because the product already looks very noble, we have refrained from adding an additional cover, such as acrylic.
AluDibond: Dibond® is a brand for a rigid sandwich material. The brand is owned by the manufacturer 3A Composites. Dibond® consists of two 0.3 mm thick aluminium plates thermally bonded with a polyethylene core. Dibond is correspondingly lighter than aluminium. FirstBond GbR from Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) has developed a' imitator' product with similar properties under the name' FirstBond', which is used in our aluminium composite products.